Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Cultural variations in attachment

Today we looked at one study in lots of detail - the meta-analysis by Van Ijzdendoorn into cross-cultural differences in attachment. You need to know the main findings (don't forget that the main findings is that secure attachment was the most common in all cultures), and then looked at criticisms of the study.

Today's ppt is here.

The next essay is due in on 11th March. The title is 'Discuss research into cultural variations in
attachment' (12).

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Individual differences in attachment

Today we looked at Ainsworth's Strange Situation - a controlled observation that aims to measure individual differences in attachment. We looked at how she defined secure, insecure avoidant and insecure resistant attachment types - and you need to be able to recite these.

Ainsworth concluded that the mother's behaviour was the cause of the attachment differences - this is the sensitivity hypothesis and is firmly on the nurture end of the nature-nurture spectrum. The alternative is the temperament hypothesis, which states that the innate differences in infant temperament are what cause the differences. We looked at research that supports both ideas.

Today's ppt is here.

The next essay is due on Feb 25th and is on the second slide of the ppt.